About therman43

Hi, My name is Tommy Herman, I am a senior in the sociology department at George Mason University. I was born and raised in Fairfax County, Virginia, and graduated from Woodson High School. After high school I spent two years at VCU, in Richmond, Virginia followed by two years in the Virginia Community College system before transferring to Mason. In 2007 I joined the Virginia Army National Guard as an Infantryman. Besides being a student and reservist, I manage an independent record store called Record and Tape Exchange, known locally as RTX. In addition to working at RTX, I am a vinyl enthusiast. Since beginning my collection three years ago, I have bought over 2,500 LP's and 45's. After graduation I plan on doing one of two things; using my military experience to find work in the state department, or finding a position in a local school system. Eventually I have aspirations to return to school and earn a teaching certificate for elementary education.

The Importance of ‘Knowing Where You Are Going’

My interest in Cohen and Rosenzwig’s, Digital History, “Getting Started” is admittedly very low. The seemingly never-ending, Digital History, lost my attention on multiple occasions. However, despite my lack of interest, the “Getting Started” chapter has essential information for anyone interested in creating a history web site. Personally, the section titled, Thinking About Your Website’s Genre and Features, contained the most valuable information, knowing where you are going. It is essential for anyone who intends to develop a website to know what direction they intend to go. Of the numerous questions you have to answer prior to creating your web site are; what type of subject do you want to write about? What types of tools and features will it have? What will set it apart from other, similar web sites? Lastly, what type of audience do you want to attract?

In my opinion, knowing where you want to go with your web site is integral in making it successful.  Building a web site is similar to building a house, an architect develops building plans and blue-prints prior to building a house. He/she has a course of action in-order to be more efficient and resourceful.

1. Resurgence of Vinyl Records

2. The American counterculture during the Vietnam War

3. Higher Education in America