On the research question I am most interested in, the resurgence of vinyl records, I was unable to find any information from Proquest or Archive Finder. However, in searching Proquest on information regarding the G.I. Bill I found pages of resources. I was able to find useful sources from every decade since the G.I. Bill has been in effect.
The first article I read, published in 1945, informed the general public what the bill involved and who exactly would be eligible. Initially there seemed to be confusion due to the “wordiness” of the bill. The second article I read, from 1971, discusses the Veterans administrations pitch to post-Korean and Vietnam war veterans regarding their eligibility for the G.I. Bill.
In another article from the 1970’s, a photo shows a group of men swearing in to the armed forces just prior to the expiration of the old G.I. Bill.
Article One: GI Bill May Seem Wordy But it All Spells Education